Migration excuse for: gcc-or1k-elf 1.0.8

Is candidate
Maintainer Nicolas Boulenguez
Source (version: 1.0.8)
Destination (old version: 1.0.7)


Package is 3 days old (needed 5)

Other Reasons

  • Migration status for gcc-or1k-elf (1.0.7 to 1.0.8): BLOCKED: Rejected/violates migration policy/introduces a regression
  • gcc-or1k-elf/amd64 has unsatisfiable Built-Using on gcc-13 13.3.0-11
  • gcc-or1k-elf/arm64 has unsatisfiable Built-Using on gcc-13 13.3.0-11
  • Too young, only 3 of 5 days old