PyMca is set of applications and Python libraries for analysis of X-ray fluorescence spectra.
The applications included in this package are:
* edfviewer - Display and inspection of data files in ESRF Data Format * elementsinfo - Displays element specific X-ray data * mca2edf - Converts files from SPEC MCA format to EDF * peakidentifier - Displays X-ray fluorescence peaks in a given energy range * pymcabatch - Batch fitting of spectra * pymcapostbatch - Post-processing of batch fitting results * pymca - Interactive data-analysis * pymcaroitool - Region-of-interest (ROI) imaging tool
The PyMca toolkit can read data files in SPEC, ESRF data file (EDF), OMNIC, HDF5, AIFIRA and SupaVisio formats.
This are the scripts of the package.