
Fuse (GTK+)

Emulator of the 1980s ZX Spectrum home computer and its various clones


Respects Freedom

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Fuse is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator. It supports several models (including 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3 and some clones), with quite faithful emulation of the display and sound.

Its features include: * Accurate Spectrum 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3 emulation. * Working Spectrum +3e and SE, Timex TC2048, TC2068 and TS2068, Pentagon 128, "512" (Pentagon 128 with extra memory) and 1024 and Scorpion ZS 256 emulation. * Runs at true Speccy speed on any computer you're likely to try it on. * It can load Z80, SZX and SNA snapshots, TAP and TZX virtual-tape files (including accelerated loading), MDR microdrive images and DSK floppy disk images, among many others. * Sound. * Built-in debugger. * Emulation of most of the common joysticks used on the Spectrum (including Kempston, Sinclair and Cursor joysticks). * Emulation of some of the printers you could attach to a Spectrum. * Support for the RZX input recording file format, including rollback and 'competition mode'. * Recording of movies to FMF files. * Emulation of the Currah µSource, DivIDE, DivMMC, Interface 1, Kempston mouse, Multiface One/128/3, Spectrum +3e, ZXATASP, ZXCF and ZXMMC interfaces. * Emulation of the Covox, Fuller audio box, Melodik and SpecDrum audio interfaces. * Emulation of the Beta 128, +D, Didaktik 80/40, DISCiPLE and Opus Discovery disk interfaces. * Emulation of the Spectranet and SpeccyBoot network interfaces. * Support for the Recreated ZX Spectrum Bluetooth keyboard.

This package provides binaries for the GTK+ version of Fuse.





1.6.0+dfsg1-2 (landing)

1.6.0+dfsg1-2 (crimson)

1.6.0+dfsg1-2 (dawn)

1.5.7+dfsg1-4 (byzantium)

