galculator is a GTK 2 / GTK 3 based calculator with ordinary notation/reverse polish notation (RPN), a
formula entry mode, different number bases (DEC, HEX, OCT, BIN) and different units of angular
measure (DEG, RAD, GRAD). It supports quad-precision floating point and 112-bit binary arithmetic.
galculator's main features include:
- Algebraic mode, RPN (Reverse Polish Notation), Formula Entry and Paper mode
- Decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary number base
- Radiant, degree and grad support
- Basic and Scientific Mode
- User defined constants and functions
- Trigonometric functions, power, sqare root, natural and common logarithm, inverse and hyperbolic functions
- Binary arithmetic of configurable bit length and signedness
- Quad-precision floating point arithmetic
- 112-bit binary arithmetic
- Copy and paste
- Available in more than 20 translations