This is an application for creating music reminiscent of the style of music from 8-bit computers or, chiptunes. It features a "tracker" style sequencer, and a built-in synthesizer capable of a wide range sounds - including but not limited to basic subtractive synthesis, frequency modulation and sample playback. Sounds can be easily beefed up by using the effect chain. It is possbile to import a handful of file formats, including Protracker .MOD, Fasttracker 2 .XM, the Cave Story music format (.ORG) and Rob Hubbard Commodore 64 SID files. Tunes can be easily exported as a single mixdown .WAV or separate tracks or you can simply use the playback library to use the klystrack files in your own games and other software.
Versions0.20171212-5 (crimson)
0.20171212-5 (byzantium)