libaxc-dev - 0.3.3-1pureos+librem5.2 main

Client library for libsignal-c, implementing the needed database and crypto
interfaces using SQLite and gcrypt. Initially, the library's name was
libaxolotl, hence the name.
Additionally it provides utility functions for common use cases like encrypting
and decrypting, ultimately making direct use of libsignal unnecessary.
This package contains the development files.

Priority: optional
Section: libdevel
Suites: amber-phone amber-phone-staging byzantium crimson dawn landing 
Maintainer: DebianOnMobile Maintainers <debian-on-mobile-maintainers [꩜]>
Homepage Source Package


Installed Size: 138.2 kB
Architectures: arm64  amd64 



0.3.3-1pureos+librem5.2 arm64 0.3.3-1pureos+librem5.2 amd64