node-typescript-types - 20190209-1 main

TypeScript type definitions supplied by the DefinitelyTyped project, for
JavaScript packages that don't supply their own type definitions.
This description would be longer, but upstream does not give one on their
website nor on their Github page. After some very painful experience using
NPM, one can eventually deduce that these definitions are needed for certain
typescript packages that build on top of javascript packages, where these
latter packages don't themselves define any typescript types.
This package contains a subset of the upstream type definitions because there
are a ridiculous amount (a few hundred megabytes) and the vast majority of
them are probably never going to be needed for Debian. Currently these are:
@types/backbone 1.3.45
@types/chai 4.1.7
@types/expect.js 0.3.29
@types/fs-extra 5.0.4
@types/handlebars 4.0.40
@types/highlight.js 9.12.3
@types/jquery 3.3.29
@types/jsdom 12.2.1
@types/lodash 4.14.120
@types/marked 0.6.0
@types/mathjax 0.0.35
@types/minimatch 3.0.3
@types/minimist 1.2.0
@types/mocha 5.2.5
@types/node 10.12.21
@types/requirejs 2.1.31
@types/semver 5.5.0
@types/shelljs 0.8.2
@types/sinon 7.0.5
@types/underscore 1.8.9
If you need more than these, please file a bug report asking for git access so
that you can update this package yourself.

Priority: optional
Section: libs
Suites: amber byzantium 
Maintainer: Debian Javascript Maintainers <pkg-javascript-devel [꩜]>
Homepage Source Package

Installed Size: 4.2 MB
Architectures: all 



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