lagan - 2.0-6 main

Lagan takes local alignments generated by CHAOS as anchors, and limits
the search area of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm around these anchors.
Multi-LAGAN is a generalization of the pairwise algorithm to multiple
sequence alignment. M-LAGAN performs progressive pairwise alignments,
guided by a user-specified phylogenetic tree. Alignments are aligned to
other alignments using the sum-of-pairs metric.

Priority: optional
Section: science
Suites: amber byzantium crimson dawn landing 
Maintainer: Debian Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging [꩜]>
Homepage Source Package


Installed Size: 753.7 kB
Architectures: arm64  amd64 



2.0-6 arm64 2.0-6 amd64