Crypt::DH::GMP is a (somewhat) portable replacement to Crypt::DH, implemented
mostly in C.
In the beginning, there was Crypt::DH. However, Crypt::DH suffers from a
couple of problems: GMP/Pari libraries are almost always required; Crypt::DH
additionally has Math::BigInt in between GMP. Instantiating an object
comes with a relatively high cost, and if you make many computations in one
go, your program will suffer dramatically because of this.
Crypt::DH::GMP attempts to alleviate these problems by providing a
Crypt::DH-compatible layer, which, instead of doing calculations via
Math::BigInt, directly works with libgmp in C.
This means that essentially 2 call stacks worth of expensive Perl method
calls are eliminated and also only load 1 (Crypt::DH::GMP) module instead of
3 (Crypt::DH + Math::BigInt + Math::BigInt::GMP) is needed.
These add up to a fairly significant increase in performance.
Installed Size: 61.4 kB
Architectures: arm64 amd64