Use this package to convert between all the common color spaces. As a
pure Perl module, it is not very fast, and so it you want to convert
entire images, this is probably not what you want. The emphasis is on
completeness and accurate conversion.
Supported color spaces are: RGB (including sRGB, Rec 601, Rec 709,
ITU, and about a dozen other RGB spaces), CMY, CMYK, HSL, HSV, XYZ,
xyY, Lab, LCHab, Luv, LCHuv, YPbPr, YCbCr. Future support is planned
for YUV, YIQ, YCC and possibly others.
Conversion between different RGB working spaces, and between
different white-points, is fully supported.
Installed Size: 98.3 kB
Architectures: all