LP Tools allow you to work with Launchpad without ever having to deal
with the web interface. This package provides the following tools:
- lp-attach - attach a file to a Launchpad bug
- lp-bug-dupe-properties - find duplicate Launchpad bug reports
- lp-capture-bug-counts - view summary of number of bugs for a Launchpad
- lp-check-membership - check if a launchpad user is a member of a group
- lp-force-branch-mirror - force a new import
- lp-get-branches - check out all the branches of a team
- lp-grab-attachments - download all attachments for specified bugs
or from bugs for a particular project
- lp-list-bugs - list all bugs for a project
- lp-milestone2ical - convert milestones on a project into the iCal format
- lp-milestones - list and manipulate milestones for a project
- lp-project - create and manage projects
- lp-project-upload - upload release files
- lp-recipe-status - show the status of the recipes owned by a particular user
- lp-remove-team-members - remove members from a team
- lp-review-list - list reviews for a project
- lp-review-notifier - desktop notifier about reviews that can be done
- lp-set-dup - mark duplicate bugs
- lp-shell - convenient way to launch Python interpreter already logged in
to launchpad
Installed Size: 123.9 kB
Architectures: all