posterazor - 1.5.1-10 main

The PosteRazor splits an image to form a multi-page PDF document. When
printed, the sheets can be arranged to form a large poster of the original
picture. An easy to use (wizard like) user interface guides through 5 simple
It relies upon libfreeimage and libxpm supporting many input file formats
such as BMP, GIF, ICO, JPG, PNG, TIFF, XPM among others handled by FreeImage
like DDS, Dr. Halo, IFF, JBIG, JPEG/JIF, KOALA, LBM, Kodak PhotoCD, PCX, PBM,
PGM, PPM, PhotoShop PSD, Sun RAS, TARGA, WBMP, XBM, etc...
Also, PosteRazor can handle the following image color types: Monochrome,
Grayscale, 4 Bit palette, 8 Bit palette, 24 Bit RGB, 48 Bit RGB (only via
TIFF and PNG), 32 Bit CMYK (only via TIFF). 32 Bit RGBA images can be loaded,
but are transformed to 24 Bit RGB by "merging" them with a white background.
It supports dimension units like m, mm, cm, inch, ft, pt(72th inch) and it
prints the PDF output file in A4, A3, Legal, Letter or Tabloid layout.

Priority: optional
Section: graphics
Suites: amber byzantium crimson landing 
Maintainer: Marcelo Soares Mota <motasmarcelo [꩜]>
Homepage Source Package


Installed Size: 397.3 kB
Architectures: amd64  arm64 



1.5.1-10 arm64 1.5.1-10 amd64