Go library for the National Marine Electronics Association 0183 protocol.
NMEA 0183 is a combined electrical and data specification for communication
between marine electronics such as echo sounder, sonars, anemometer,
gyrocompass, autopilot, GPS receivers and many other types of instruments.
Features include:
* Parse individual NMEA 0183 sentences.
* Register custom parser for unsupported sentence types.
* Support for sentences with NMEA 4.10 "TAG Blocks".
Supported sentences:
* Sentence type | Description
- AAM | Waypoint BArrival Alarm.
- ALA | System Faults and Alarms.
- APB | Autopilot Sentence "B".
- BEC | Bearing and distance to waypoint (dead reckoning).
- BOD | Bearing waypoint to waypoint (origin to destination).
- BWC | Bearing and distance to waypoint (great circle).
- BWR | Bearing and distance to waypoint (Rhumb Line).
- BWW | Bearing from destination waypoint to origin waypoint.
- DBK | Depth Below Keel (obsolete, use DPT instead).
- DBS | Depth Below Surface (obsolete, use DPT instead).
- DBT | Depth below transducer.
- DOR | Door Status Detection.
- DPT | Depth of Water.
- DSC | Digital Selective Calling Information.
- DSE | Expanded digital selective calling.
- DTM | Datum Reference.
- EVE | General Event Message.
- FIR | Fire Detection event with time and location.
- GGA | GPS Positioning System Fix Data.
- GLL | Geographic Position, Latitude / Longitude and time.
- GNS | Combined GPS fix for GPS, Glonass, Galileo, and BeiDou.
- GSA | GPS DOP and active satellites.
- GSV | GPS Satellites in view.
- HDG | Heading, Deviation & Variation.
- HDM | Heading - Magnetic.
- HDT | Actual vessel heading in degrees True.
- HSC | Heading steering command.
- MDA | Meteorological Composite.
- MTA | Air Temperature (obsolete, use XDR instead).
- MTW | Mean Temperature of Water.
- MWD | Wind Direction and Speed.
- MWV | Wind Speed and Angle.
- OSD | Own Ship Data.
- RMB | Recommended Minimum Navigation Information.
- RMC | Recommended Minimum Specific GPS/Transit data.
- ROT | Rate of turn.
- RPM | Engine or Shaft revolutions and pitch.
- RSA | Rudder Sensor Angle.
- RSD | RADAR System Data.
- RTE | Route.
- THS | Actual vessel heading in degrees True and status.
- TLL | Target latitude and longitude.
- TTM | Tracked Target Message.
- TXT | Sentence is for the transmission of text messages.
- VBW | Dual Ground/Water Speed.
- VDM/VDO | Encapsulated binary payload (commonly used with AIS data).
- VDR | Set and Drift.
- VHW | Water Speed and Heading.
- VLW | Distance Traveled through Water.
- VPW | Speed Measured Parallel to Wind.
- VTG | Track Made Good and Ground Speed.
- VWR | Relative Wind Speed and Angle.
- VWT | True Wind Speed and Angle.
- WPL | Waypoint location.
- XDR | Transducer Measurement.
- ZDA | Date & time data.
* Proprietary sentence type | Description
- PGRME | Estimated Position Error (Garmin proprietary sentence).
- PHTRO | Vessel pitch and roll (Xsens IMU/VRU/AHRS).
- PMTK | Messages for setting and reading commands for MediaTek gps
- PRDID | Vessel pitch, roll and heading (Xsens IMU/VRU/AHRS).
- PSKPDPT | Depth of Water for multiple transducer installation.
- PSONCMS | Quaternion, acceleration, rate of turn, magnetic field,
sensor temperature (Xsens IMU/VRU/AHRS).
Installed Size: 385.0 kB
Architectures: all