furo - 2024.05.06+dfsg-1 main

Furo is a clean customisable Sphinx documentation theme ...
- Intentionally minimal — the most important thing is the content,
not the scaffolding around it.
- Responsive — adapting perfectly to the available screen space,
to work on all sorts of devices.
- Customisable — change the color palette, font families, logo and more!
- Easy to navigate — with carefully-designed sidebar navigation and
inter-page links.
- Good looking content — through clear typography and well-stylised elements.
- Good looking search — helps readers find what they want quickly.
- Biased for smaller docsets — intended for smaller documentation sets,
where presenting the entire hierarchy in the sidebar is not overwhelming.

Priority: optional
Section: python
Suites: crimson dawn landing 
Maintainer: Georges Khaznadar <georgesk [꩜] debian.org>
Homepage Source Package


Installed Size: 344.1 kB
Architectures: all 



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