libghc-acid-state-dev - main

AcidState is a Haskell library to store serializable Haskell
structures, guaranteeing that transactions support the ACID
semantic. That is, they must be atomic (a transaction must be
completely saved or completely rolled back), consistent (after each
transaction the state of the database must be valid), isolated (two
parallel transaction must not interfere with each other) and durable
(a successful transaction must be reliably stored to a persistent
This library supports both storing data on the local disk and via a
network server.
This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language.
See for more information on Haskell. It
obsoletes the package haskell-happstack-state.

Priority: optional
Section: haskell
Suites: amber byzantium crimson dawn landing 
Maintainer: Debian Haskell Group <pkg-haskell-maintainers [꩜]>
Homepage Source Package


  • libghc-array-dev-
  • libghc-base-dev-
  • libghc-bytestring-dev-
  • libghc-cereal-dev-
  • libghc-containers-dev-0.6.7-0d119
  • libghc-directory-dev-
  • libghc-filelock-dev-
  • libghc-filepath-dev-
  • libghc-mtl-dev-2.2.2-6f39a
  • libghc-network-bsd-dev-
  • libghc-network-dev-
  • libghc-safecopy-dev-
  • libghc-stm-dev-
  • libghc-template-haskell-dev-
  • libghc-th-expand-syns-dev-
  • libghc-unix-dev-2.7.3-91ee6
  • libc6 (>= 2.17)
  • libgmp10 (>= 2:6.3.0+dfsg)

Installed Size: 3.1 MB
Architectures: arm64  amd64 


Versions arm64 amd64