Go package "table" provides a convenient way to generate tabular output
of any data, primarily useful for CLI tools.
* Accepts all data types (string, int, interface{}, everything!) and
will use the String() string method of a type if available.
* Can specify custom formatting for the header and first column cells
for better readability.
* Columns are left-aligned and sized to fit the data, with customizable
* The printed output can be sent to any io.Writer, defaulting to
* Built to an interface, so you can roll your own Table implementation.
* Works well with ANSI colors (fatih/color
(https://github.com/fatih/color) in the example)!
* Can provide a custom WidthFunc to accomodate multi- and zero-width
characters (such as runewidth (https://github.com/mattn/go-runewidth))
Installed Size: 32.8 kB
Architectures: all