The Error module provides two interfaces. Firstly "Error" provides a
procedural interface to exception handling. Secondly "Error" is a base class
for errors/exceptions that can either be thrown, for subsequent catch, or can
simply be recorded.
Errors in the class "Error" should not be thrown directly, but the user
should throw errors from a sub-class of "Error".
Warning: Using the "Error" module is no longer recommended due to the
black-magical nature of its syntactic sugar, which often tends to break. Its
maintainers have stopped actively writing code that uses it, and discourage
people from doing so.
Recommended alternatives are Exception::Class (libexception-class-perl),
Error::Exception (not packaged), TryCatch (libtrycatch-perl), and Try::Tiny
Installed Size: 72.7 kB
Architectures: all