- r-api-4.0
- r-api-bioc-3.20
- r-bioc-deseq2
- r-bioc-goseq (>= 1.28)
- r-cran-gplots
- r-bioc-biomart
- r-bioc-org.hs.eg.db
- r-bioc-go.db
- r-bioc-summarizedexperiment
- r-bioc-annotationdbi
R/GSEPD is a bioinformatics package for R to help
disambiguate transcriptome samples (a matrix of RNA-Seq counts
at transcript IDs) by automating differential expression (with
DESeq2), then gene set enrichment (with GOSeq), and finally a
N-dimensional projection to quantify in which ways each sample
is like either treatment group.
Installed Size: 1.5 MB
Architectures: all