Common interfaces for simple caching
radius client library for PHP
“the easiest” Template Engine for PHP
PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7
raphf module for PHP
Asynchronous WebSocket client for RatchetPHP
Implementation of the WebSocket protocol for PHP
Async, promise-based cache component for ReactPHP
Event-driven library for executing child processes with ReactPHP
Asynchronous DNS resolver for ReactPHP
ReactPHP's core reactor event loop for evented I/O
Event-driven, streaming HTTP/HTTPS server for ReactPHP
lightweight implementation of CommonJS Promises/A for PHP
Link between promises and streams in ReactPHP
Trivial implementation of timeouts for promises on top of ReactPHP
Asynchronous client and server socket connections for ReactPHP
Event-driven streams for non-blocking I/O in ReactPHP
readline module for PHP [default]
recode module for PHP [default]
PHP extension for interfacing with Redis
PECL module for Kerberos-authenticated command execution
PHP validation engine
Simple PHP Database Migrations
PHP bindings to rrd tool system
WebDAV Framework for PHP
library to parse and manipulate iCalendar and vCard objects
PHP bindings to libsass - fast, native Sass parsing in PHP
implementations of an arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic library
PHP wrapper for libsmbclient
SNMP module for PHP [default]
SOAP module for PHP [default]
a PHP SQL highlighting library
SQLite3 module for PHP [default]
Bindings for the libssh2 library
Swiftmailer, free feature-rich PHP mailer
Sybase module for PHP [default]
set of reusable components and framework for web projects
manage asset URLs
simulate the behavior of a web browser
Symfony Cache component with PSR-6, PSR-16, and tags
load PHP classes automatically
load configurations from different data sources
run tasks from the command line
convert CSS selectors to XPath expressions
tools to make debugging of PHP code easier
debugging tools for the Symfony framework
standardize and centralize construction of objects
integration for Doctrine with Symfony Components
ease DOM navigation for HTML and XML documents
.env files parser to make environment variables accessible