tool for verification of account numbers and bank codes
Cross stitch pattern editor
Data files, icons and documentation for kxstitch
OpenPGP archive key for the software repositories
phone digits to letter-mnemonics
Common files for the ATK accessibility toolkit
AT-SPI 2 toolkit bridge
toolkit for libavifile
Example programs of EMI caNl
intelligent phonetic input method library - data files
tools for accessing chipcards
Open GL based interactive canvas library IMContext framework
modem speech data handling library (utils)
Programs for double-array trie library
manual tests for libdecor
DigiDoc digital signature library common files
DigiDoc digital signature library tools
entropy measurement of byte streams
cryptographic library for EAC version 2 (shared library)
cryptographic library for EAC version 2 (development)
EFL widget set - helper programs
EFL widget set - data files
common files for the Endless SDK runtime libraries
development tools for the Endless SDK
file management support (common data)
file management support (GTK+ library common data)
file management support (utilities)
Microsoft Cabinet file manipulation library - as-installed tests
Library providing Gearman client and worker functions
Programs for the GLib library
extension of GTK+ libraries (common files)
programs for the GTK graphical user interface library
common files for the GTK graphical user interface library
rendering engine for MathML documents
Example programs for the GUDHI library
library for interfacing PKCS#11 Hardware Security Modules
Instrument-Neutral Device Interface library -- shared data
library for scientific graphs (data files)
utility to read NFO files which uses libnfo
toolkit for Off-the-Record Messaging library
Configure PAM to create a local user if it do not exist already
PAM Module to check credentials against X2Go servers
Qt5 Designer plugin for QScintilla 2
LibreOffice Extension to organize a German Law Office
Logo-like programming language for LibreOffice
transitional package for MariaDB/MySQL Connector extension for LibreOffice
LibreOffice component for building database reports