GNU R modern and easy-to-use crypto library
general purpose R interface to 'Solr'
tools for reading, tokenizing and parsing R code
GNU R classes and methods for spatial data
GNU R classes and methods for spatio-temporal data
GNU R functions for sparse matrix algebra
GNU R spatial and spatiotemporal relative risk
GNU R package for basic linear algebra for sparse matrices
GNU R sparse truncated singular value decomposition
GNU R package for spatial statistics
GNU R spatial regression analysis
GNU R Spatial Point Pattern analysis, model-fitting, simulation, tests
core functionality of the 'spatstat' family of GNU R packages
datasets for the package r-cran-spatstat
GNU R exploratory data analysis for the 'spatstat' family
GNU R geometrical functionality of the 'spatstat' package
linear networks functionality of the 'spatstat' family of GNU R
GNU R parametric statistical modelling for the 'spatstat' family
Random Generation Functionality for the 'spatstat' Family
GNU R sparse three-dimensional arrays and linear algebra utilities
GNU R utility functions for r-cran-spatstat
GNU R Statistical Process Control
GNU R datasets for spatial analysis
GNU R spatial dependence: weighting schemes, statistics and models
GNU R package to Wrap RcppSpdlog Functions
tools for spell checking in GNU R
GNU R regression spline functions and classes
GNU R ChIP-seq processing pipeline
manipulate GNU R data frames using SQL
Squared Extrapolation Methods for Accelerating EM-Like Monotone Algorithms
GNU R probability functions and generalized regression models
GNU R package for stable distribution functions
Stability Assessment of Statistical Learning Methods
C++ Header Files for Stan for GNU R
scalable, spatiotemporal tidy arrays for GNU R
GNU R utilities for start-up messages
GNU R functions for extraction of statistics from articles and recomputing p values
statistical functions for probability distributions and regression
GNU R package providing algorithms and functions for statistical modeling
Common R Scripts and Utilities Used by the Statnet Project
GNU R approximate string matching and string distance functions
GNU R character string processing facilities
Make it easier to work with strings
GNU R package for structural change regression estimation
GNU R Supplementary Distributions
GNU R package for the Modeling and Monitoring of Epidemic Phenomena
GNU R analysis of complex survey samples
GNU R package for survival analysis
GNU R drawing survival curves using 'ggplot2'