IntelliJ IDEA Core API
IntelliJ IDEA Extension Point Framework
Classes from JDK8 excluded from JDK9
IntelliJ IDEA Project Model
IntelliJ IDEA Platform API
IntelliJ IDEA Platform Implementation
IntelliJ IDEA utility classes
Java implementation of the Nested Containment List data structure
Java DSL for binding method handles
abstractions and Java implementations for rendering PDF
Java wrapper for FreeType font handling library
helper routines to access native code from Java
Generic parser and writer for ISO 14496 based files
Interface for applications to support RELAX Core
common runtime library by intarsys
Common code for some Glassfish projects
Java Library to generate PDF on the Fly
Java Library to create and manipulate PDF on the fly
Java Library to create and manipulate RTF files on the fly
Java library for the SSH protocol
minimal client for the JABAWS server
content repository implementation (JCR API)
fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- annotations
fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- core library
fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- data binding
Jackson data format module for RfC7049 Concise Binary Object Representation
fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- Smile dataformat
fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- XML dataformat
fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- YAML dataformat
fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- Joda datatypes
Jackson JAX-RS providers
JSON library for Java -- standalone data-binding module
Fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- JAXB annotations
streaming fast powerful standard conformant json processor in java
Library building parts of numerical chameleon
free code coverage library for Java
Jakarta Activation
Annotations for common semantic concepts in the Java SE & Jakarta EE platforms
Jakarta Expression Language API
Jakarta Interceptors API
Jakarta Mail API
Jakarta Servlet API
Jakarta Bean Validation API
Basic linear algebra library for Java
OR mapper for Jameica - Java library
utility classes for Jameica - Java library
Java applications look and behave like native applications
Java API for easy monitoring production applications
runtime compiler for Java expressions - library