RESTEasy 3.0 -- Framework for RESTful Web services and Java applications
Libraries for rhino Java Script Engine
code walking library for Clojure
Ring middleware to prevent CSRF attacks
ring middleware to enforce basic authentication
Clojure library for encoding and decoding data
Clojure web applications library
Ring middleware that provides sensible defaults
Ring middleware for common response headers
Clojure web applications library - Jetty adapter
ring middleware functions for handling JSON requests and responses
library for creating mock Ring request maps
Clojure web applications library - servlet utilities
Ring middleware for managing HTTPS requests
Java library for parsing RELAX NG grammars
Function wrapper library for Clojure
robust HTTP client library for Java
Java library to handle Atom and RSS feeds
Java library for syntax highlighting text component
Reactive Extensions for the JVM
Full Java CommAPI implementation
Java library for spherical math
SOAP with Attachment API for Java
SOAP with Attachments API for Java - Reference Implementation
Simple API for CSS Java library
SAMBox PDF processor
Saxon-B XSLT Processor
Saxon-HE is the XSLT and XQuery Processor
Saxon XSLT Processor
System Biology Markup Language library - Java bindings
Sbt launcher module
Serialization facility for sbt
Sbt template resolver
Sbt test interface
Fast, customizable, boilerplate-free pickling support for Scala
Scala library for describing binary protocols
Java annotation scanner
Simple scala command line options parsing
Clojure library to parse strings
Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism
SDES (RFC4568) implementation for Java
Service Data Objects 2.1 Java API spec
SDP API for Java
approximate string-matching routines
Rule based text splitting library
common classes for PDFsam and Sejda
pure Java event bus implementation
lightweight dependency injection engine
layer of Input/Output classes built on top of Java IO and NIO
extendible PDF manipulation layer library written in Java