Java HTML Renderer & Parser
Java interface for Common Data Access Framework
Java Native interface for Common Data Access Framework
Java library for code generators
Groovy library that provides static analysis features for Groovy code
calculates the size of code for Robocode
Java API for annotating code with contracts
Java control to allow color selection
scalable scientific and technical computing in Java
I/O redirection, signal handling, and console utilities
HTTP route definitions for Clojure
Java Comment Preprocessor
Apache Commons BeanUtils - Utility for manipulating Java beans
Command line arguments and options parsing library
encoder and decoders such as Base64 and hexadecimal codec
Apache Commons Collections - Extended Collections API for Java
Java API for working with compression and archive formats
Java based library providing a generic configuration interface
Library for reading and writing CSV files
Library to launch Java applications as daemons
Database Connection Pooling Services 2
Database Connection Pooling Services
Rule based XML Java object mapping tool
Locates classes that implement a given Java interface
Implementation of the JSP 2.0 Expression Language interpreter
Apache Commons Java API for sending email
Java library to reliably execute external processes from within the JVM
File upload capability to your servlets and web applications
Commons HTTPClient - Java library for creating HTTP clients
Common useful IO related classes
common Java interface for various compilers - Eclipse JDT
common Java interface for various compilers - Groovy
common Java interface for various compilers - Janino
common Java interface for various compilers - Core and FAM
common Java interface for various compilers - Javascript
Apache Commons JEXL - Java Expression Language
expression language engine
Apache Commons JXPath - XPath expressions applied to Java objects
Apache Commons Lang utility classes
Commons Lang - an extension of the java.lang package
common wrapper interface for several logging APIs
Java lightweight mathematics and statistics components
Apache Commons Net - Java client API for basic Internet protocols
Maven metadata for Apache Commons project
Apache Commons Pool 2 - Pooling implementation for Java objects
pooling implementation for Java objects