Futuristic test runner 🚀
ES6+ aware minifier based on the Babel toolchain
tools to process delimiter-separated values, such as CSV
extremely fast JavaScript bundler and minifier (program)
AST-based pattern checker for JavaScript
icons made for smaller graphic
build semantic templates effectively with no frustration
Base support for JavaScript library packages
Delightful JavaScript Testing
Fast math typesetting for the web (command line interface)
lightweight angular directive to upload files
gettext utilities for angular.js
lets you write client-side web applications as if you had a smarter browser
table module for angular js
form generator from a JSON schema
convert text containing ANSI color escape codes into HTML
Lightweight publish/subscribe library for client-side JavaScript
Library to render high quality mathematical formulas in a browser
functions and patterns for asynchronous code - web browsers
JavaScript methods converting text to links
jQuery plugin that automatically formats currency and numbers
script to automatically adjust textarea height to fit text - NodeJS
Ultra lightweight, customizable, simple autocomplete widget
some Backbone for JavaScript applications - browser library
improved support for models with nested attributes
Backbone data binding plugin that binds Model attributes to View elements
Arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic (client)
lightweight script for lazy loading and multi-serving images
flexible dialog boxes for Bootstrap
jQuery plugin to easily build a sliding menu
HTML, CSS and JS framework
HTML front-end framework (version 5)
HTML front-end framework (documentation, version 5)
Build product tours (JavaScript library)
themes for Twitter Bootstrap
browser library compatible with the node-request package
D3-based reusable chart library
assertion library for the browser
Simple HTML5 charts using the canvas element (Browser)
create beautiful JavaScript charts with minimal code
select box enhancer for jQuery and Prototype
implementation of Backbone mixins
JavaScript editor interface for code-like content
client-side interpreter for the CoffeeScript language
JavaScript image cropper UI
collection of cryptographic algorithms implemented in JavaScript
CSS parser written in pure JavaScript
JavaScript to load CSS asynchronously
JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG