screensaver settings service process
session settings service process
touchpad settings service process
xkbgeneral settings service process
Common ODBC configuration files
LibreOffice UNO runtime environment -- private libraries used by public ones
LibreOffice UNO runtime environment
service exporting anonymous metrics about users
Versatile Font Library
Direct3D 12 to Vulkan translation - demos
VOMS server plugin for MySQL
library and utility to fetch media streams from a TIVO
Vulkan validation layers
Extended Object Tcl (XOTcl): Object orientation for Tcl - shared library
XRootD plugin for interfacing with the Ceph storage platform
HTTP client plugin for XRootD client
Plugins used by xrootd clients
Plugins used by xrootd servers and clients
SciTokens authorization support for XRootD
Plugins used by xrootd servers
VOMS attribute extractor plugin for XRootD
Simple spectrum browser for XTRX
Extra CMake Modules for YARP and friends
PKCS#11 module for the YubiKey PIV applet
QR code / bar code scanner and decoder (Gtk camera tool)
QR code / bar code scanner and decoder (Qt camera tool)
compression library - runtime
collection of reusable Makefiles