Tests for CLBlast
Utilities for CLBlast
clique searching program
sheaf cohomology of line bundles on toric varieties
sheaf cohomology of line bundles on toric varieties (common files)
console calculator
proof assistant for higher-order logic (toplevel and compiler)
proof assistant for higher-order logic (gtk interface)
SAT solver command line interface
automated theorem prover for SMT problems
GNU dc arbitrary precision reverse-polish calculator
Calculator for DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment)
tool to compute the statistical distribution of dice rolls
Executable scripts for DOLFIN
platform for handling a wide class of economic models
Programs for modular symbols and elliptic curves over Q
tool for managing installations of the Lean theorem prover
General purpose computer algebra system: emacs support
Equational theorem prover
Euclidean geometry drawing language
interactive mathematical programming environment
Surface Evolver
Surface Evolver - with no X support
Surface Evolver - with OpenGL display
Automated Solution of Differential Equations
Finite field linear algebra subroutines/package
Finite field linear algebra subroutines/package - common files
Program using quadratic sieve to factor integers
Tools to compute LLL-reduction of Euclidian lattices
PDE oriented language using Finite Element Method
Provides the binaries of the FreeFem++ FE suite
Example files for FreeFEM
General purpose computer algebra system: main binary and modules
General purpose computer algebra system: generated text databases
General purpose computer algebra system: graphics subsystem
General purpose computer algebra system: graphics data
General purpose computer algebra system: hypertex subsystem
General purpose computer algebra system: hypertex data
General purpose computer algebra system: source files
General purpose computer algebra system: regression test inputs
Computations with monomial ideals
scientific calculator
computer algebra system for Groups, Algorithms and Programming
GAP AClib - Almost Crystallographic Groups - A Library and Algorithms
GAP Alnuth - Algebraic number theory and an interface to PARI/GP
GAP AtlasRep - A GAP Interface to the Atlas of Group Representations
GAP AutoDoc - Generate documentation from GAP source code
GAP AutPGrp - Computing the Automorphism Group of a p-Group