optimal interpolation package for Octave
parallel execution of Octave in clusters of computers
octave bindings for pfstools
general-purpose solver for polynomial systems (Octave)
Octave support for PLplot, a plotting library
quaternion package for Octave
Queueing Networks and Markov chains analysis for Octave
semi conductor simulator in 1D for Octave
semi conductor simulator in 2D for Octave
Drift-Diffusion simulator for 3d semiconductor devices in Octave
signal processing functions for Octave
communication through Internet sockets in Octave
RSB sparse matrix manipulation for Octave
special mathematical functions for Octave
cubic spline functions for Octave
additional statistical functions for Octave
(not so) Small Toolbox for Kriging
additional string manipulation functions for Octave
additional structure manipulation functions for Octave
symbolic package for Octave
time series analysis in Octave
VIBes API to easily display results in Octave
VRML functions for Octave
simple graphical user interfaces using zenity in Octave
ZeroMQ binding for Octave
RPN calculator for the terminal
Package for Analyzing Lattice Polytopes
PARI/GP Computer Algebra System elliptic curves (elldata)
PARI/GP Computer Algebra System Galois resolvents (galdata)
PARI/GP Computer Algebra System Galois polynomial database
PARI/GP Computer Algebra System binaries
PARI/GP GP to C compiler
PARI/GP Computer Algebra System modular polynomials (seadata)
perl data language: Perl extensions for numerics
Utilities from the PHAT library
general-purpose solver for polynomial systems (command line)
Compute Archimedes' constant Pi to arbitrary precision
Program for planarity-related graph algorithms
fitting power-law distributions to empirical data -- interfaces
GNU plotutils command line tools based on libplot
Tcl/Tk support for PLplot, a plotting library
Tcl/Tk tools for PLplot, a plotting library
Tcl/Tk development support for PLplot, a plotting library
Various tools using libpolylib
Tool for algorithmic discrete geometry
Tool for algorithmic discrete geometry -- shared files
fast prime number counter C/C++ library
fast prime number counter C/C++ library -- bin
fast prime number generator C/C++ library