Packages for drums & beats
Packages for your firewire audiocard / interface
Packages for making and editing artwork
Packages for playing with your (virtual) guitar gear
JACK (Jack Audio Connection Kit) and ALSA related packages
LADI, Linuxaudio session management, packages
Packages for looping music and audio
MIDI related packages
Packages for mixing and mastering your music
Packages for musicians
Packages for working with digital photography
Packages which makes your multimedia tools complete
Packages for working with Pure Data
Packages for audio recording
Software samplers
Packages for sound synthesis
Packages for working with SuperCollider
Video packages
plugin-based Nintendo 64 emulator, audio plugins
plugin-based Nintendo 64 emulator, input plugins
plugin-based Nintendo 64 emulator, rsp plugins
plugin-based Nintendo 64 emulator, video plugins
network UPS tools - metapackage
convenient tools to develop packages
coherent diffraction software
Debian PAN Control Systems
Debian PAN Control System development packages
Data reduction frameworks
PAN Debian data reduction frameworks dev
diffraction software suit
Grazing incidence X-ray photon and neutron diffraction
imaging software
machine learning software
modeling software
Macro Molecular diffraction
powder diffraction
small angle scattering
X-Rays and Neutron spectroscopy
Photons and Neutrons (PAN) Blend tomography
software for Pacific Biosciences sequencing data
GNOME/Phosh mobile Environment -- essential components
GNOME/Phosh mobile Environment, with extra components
games for the GNOME/Phosh mobile environment
GNOME/Phosh mobile Environment -- phone components
GNOME/Phosh mobile Environment -- tablet components
Default configuration settings for the PinePhone
Default configuration settings for the PineTab
Routing functionality support for PostgreSQL/PostGIS - Metapackage
Routing functionality support for PostgreSQL/PostGIS - SQL scripts metapackage