Sequence Mapping and Alignment Tool
Sequence Mapping and Alignment Tool (examples)
command line tools to handle SMILES descriptors
determine similar regions between two strings or genomic sequences
software suite for single molecule, real-time sequencing
pythonic workflow management system
location of genes from DNA sequence with hidden markov model
Scalable Nucleotide Alignment Program
structural variation caller using third-generation sequencing
fast, stringent short-read mapping software
Binary code for the package snp-sites
aligner of short reads of next generation sequencers
short-read assembly method to build de novo draft assembly
resequencing utility that can assemble consensus sequence of genomes
tool for filtering, mapping and OTU-picking NGS reads
Source extractor for astronomical images
alignment-free sequence comparison using spaced words
genome assembler for single-cell and isolates data sets
splicing-aware transcript-alignment to genomic DNA
splicing-aware transcript-alignment to genomic DNA (data)
automated theorem prover for first-order logic with equality
Geospatial extension for SQLite - tools
Visualisation tool for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulation
SIMD partial order alignment tool
single-pass sequencing read accuracy improver
analyze and visualize phylogeographic reconstructions
Spectrum Viewer
Common files for the Spyder Python IDE
Converter for genetic sequences and alignments
utilities for the NCBI Sequence Read Archive
Short Read Sequence Typing for Bacterial Pathogens
genomics application for assembling millions of very short DNA sequences
example data for SSAKE, a genomic assembler of short reads
scaffolding pre-assembled contigs after extension
stupid simple (ba)sh testing
Smith-Waterman aligner based on libssw
pipeline for building loci from short-read DNA sequences
DNA sequence assembly (Gap4/Gap5), editing and analysis tools
Architecture independent files for Staden
programs for manipulating DNA sequencing files (usage examples)
programs for manipulating DNA sequencing files
Common framework to manage astronomy packages
3-dimensional perspective star map viewer
Task scheduler for heterogeneous multicore machines - exs
real-time photo-realistic sky generator
Stellarium data files
interactive physical simulator for KDE
convert scientific FITS images to the TIFF format
Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set