Fork of ASM for the Scala Compiler
Jar daemon wrapper
Image generation from a range of remote databases
Image generation from a range of remote databases (Java package)
genetic variant annotation and effect prediction toolbox - tool
tool to annotate and manipulate genome variants - tool
N-dimensional array manipulation and I/O in Java
IVOA standard conform resource authentication
CDF table support for Starjava
Abstract classes for persistent connections to remote services
Classes for hierarchical browsing of data structures
Java classes to process GAIA data
Parser for the metadata and data of an ECSV file
Classes for general FITS handling
Starlink Positional Astronomy Library (Java version)
Starlink IVOA registry access
Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library
Java framework for invoking user-level tasks
Java classes to parse Time-Frequency Radio Catalogues
Join subclasses for Starjava table class
Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables (Java library)
Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set (Java library)
Miscellaneous utilities for the Starjava classes
Virtual Observatory access classes
Classes for VOTable input and output
cross-platform look & feel for Swing applications
Substance Flamingo plugin
Swingx components for substance L&F
Interior 2D design application with 3D preview
Sweet Home 3D Furniture Library Editor
Sweet Home 3D Textures Library Editor
create a Java file from an associated LaTex file
testing framework for Java
Apache Tomcat 10 - Servlet and JSP engine
Apache Tomcat 10 - Servlet and JSP engine -- admin web applications
Apache Tomcat 10 - Servlet and JSP engine -- common files
Apache Tomcat 10 - Servlet and JSP engine -- example web applications
Apache Tomcat 10 - Servlet and JSP engine -- tools to create user instances
Apache Tomcat migration tool for Jakarta EE
Examples of UIMA components
UIMA tools
LibreOffice UNO runtime environment -- Java support
Java-based template engine for web application
Virtual Organization Membership Service Java clients
Java library for accessing XML by binding it to Java types - tools
JavaScript/CSS minifier
support library for the Java-based parser generator jay
Zemberek demo application