ball-and-paddle game - data files
Go engine with no human-provided knowledge, modeled after the AlphaGo Zero paper
LGeneral converter for Panzer General game data
strategy game in the tradition of Panzer General
strategy game in the tradition of Panzer General -- data
bridge double dummy solver - shared library
GUI for analyzing Go games in real time using Leela Zero
Libretro wrapper for the Beetle VB core
Libretro wrapper for the Beetle WSWAN core
Libretro wrapper for bsnes-mercury accuracy core
Libretro wrapper for bsnes-mercury balanced core
Libretro wrapper for bsnes-mercury performance core
Libretro wrapper for DeSmuME
Libretro wrapper for Gambatte
Libretro wrapper for mGBA
libretro wrapper for Nestopia
old-school earthworm action game
data files for lierolibre
Light puzzle game
single player real-time strategy game with steampunk sci-fi
build & maintain a city/country
City simulator game with polished graphics
Media files for the city simulator game LinCity-NG
truly original multiplayer wargame
data files for Liquid War
Liquid War server
development environment for children
littlewizard data files
game where you build figures out of colored marbles
Children's game based on the "memory" card game
colorful `cat`
Clone of the popular SSG game Warlords II
Clone of the popular SSG game Warlords II - data files
2D game development framework based on Lua and OpenGL
Lieutnant Skat card game
Lieutnant Skat card game - data files
very polished Tetris clone with CPU opponents
third person ninja rabbit fighting game
data for the third person ninja rabbit fighting game Lugaru HD
multiplayer cave-flying game
data files for luola
level files for luola
nostalgy level files for luola
classic 2D point and click fantasy adventure game
Mascot Constructive Pilot for X
Kaboom! clone
Datafiles for madbomber
Arcade-style game resembling Asteroids
rescue the maiden while avoiding the monsters
Original Mah-Jong game