GNU R toolbox for violin plots
GNU R plot categorical data using quasirandom noise and density estimates
GNU R package for color maps from matplotlib
GNU R package for color maps from matplotlib (Lite Version)
Network Visualization using 'vis.js' Library
GNU R package for Read and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly
find differences between R objects
GNU R tool to group dates
GNU R wavelet routines for 1-, 2- and 3-D signal processing
GNU R wavelets statistics and transforms
GNU R package for accessing the World Development Indicators
fake Web Apps for HTTP testing of GNU R packages
find over-represented properties in gene lists
GNU R stubbing and setting expectations on 'HTTP' requests
GNU R take screenshots of web pages
GNU R utility functions for developing web applications
GNU R evaluate counterfactuals
GNU R mustache, logicless templating
username, full name, email address in GNU R
GNU R API client library for 'Wikidata Query Service'
GNU R API Client Library for 'Wikidata'
GNU R MediaWiki API Wrapper
taxonomic information from 'Wikipedia' for GNU R
GNU R package to run code 'With' temporarily modified global state
GNU R lightweight well-known geometry parsing
GNU R utilities for well-known geometry vectors
word clouds with GNU R
GNU R client of World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS)
GNU R package to Export Data Frames to Excel 'xlsx' Format
miscellaneous GNU R functions by 'Yihui Xie'
GNU R package for XML parsing and generation
GNU R XML parser
Parse Data of R Code as an XML Tree
Open System Files, 'URLs', Anything
extensible style-sheet language transformations for GNU R
GNU R coerce data to LaTeX and HTML tables
GNU R package for time series analysis -- xts
Methods to convert R data to YAML and back
GNU R supporting functions for packages maintained by 'YuLab-SMU'
GNU R multiple, unpacking, and destructuring assignment
GNU R package for cross-platform zip compression
GNU R package for totally ordered indexed observations
GNU R standalone mathematics library
efficient calculation of accurate masses and abundances of isotopic peaks
Allele-Specific Copy Number Analysis of Tumours
GNU R utilities from Harvard School of Public Health Bioinformatics
estimation of confidence levels for peptide identifications
GNU R package to query, visualize, and expand DisGeNET data
least angle regression, lasso, positive lasso and forward stagewise
plots relative abundance alterantively spliced transcripts