class for types with a default value; profiling libraries
fixpoint data types
fixpoint data types; profiling libraries
Updatable analogue of Distributive functors
Updatable analogue of Distributive functors; profiling libraries
combinators for building fast hashing functions.
combinators for building fast hashing functions.; profiling libraries
Lazy, infinite trie of integers library
Lazy, infinite trie of integers library; profiling libraries
Combinators for building memo tables library
Combinators for building memo tables library; profiling libraries
Set and bag operations on ordered lists
Set and bag operations on ordered lists; profiling libraries
Reify a recursive data structure into an explicit graph.
Reify a recursive data structure into an explicit graph.; profiling libraries
RFC 4918 WebDAV support
RFC 4918 WebDAV support; profiling libraries
Haskell implementation of D-Bus
expose a dbus server to control hslogger
expose a dbus server to control hslogger; profiling libraries
Haskell implementation of D-Bus; profiling libraries
Haskell library for working with the Debian package system
Profiling library for working with the Debian package system; profiling libraries
decidable propositions
decimal numbers with variable precision
decimal numbers with variable precision; profiling libraries
decidable propositions; profiling libraries
GHC.Generics-based Control.DeepSeq.rnf implementation
GHC.Generics-based Control.DeepSeq.rnf implementation; profiling libraries
abstractions over deferred folds
abstractions over deferred folds; profiling libraries
pure Haskell implementation of linear algebra
pure Haskell implementation of linear algebra; profiling libraries
dependent finite maps
dependent finite maps; profiling libraries
Dependent sum type
Dependent sum type; profiling libraries
Automatically generate instances of classes in dependent-sum package
Automatically generate instances of classes in dependent-sum package; profiling libraries
double-ended queues
double-ended queues; profiling libraries
type-driven generic aeson instance customisation
type-driven generic aeson instance customisation; profiling libraries
backports of GHC deriving extensions
backports of GHC deriving extensions; profiling libraries
configuration language guaranteed to terminate
configuration language guaranteed to terminate; profiling libraries
Cairo backend for the diagrams drawing EDSL
Cairo backend for the diagrams drawing EDSL; profiling libraries
Core libraries for diagrams EDSL