Java message broker - server
Parse, manipulate and translate ADQL queries with Java
genomic sequences ALignment Transformation EnviRonment
base tools for developing applications for the Android system
Helper tools for building Android apps using Debian's Android SDK
Java based build tool like make
collection of tasks, types and other tools for Apache Ant
C/C++ compilation tasks for Ant
Maven plugin for gUnit, a unit test framework for ANTLR grammars
Maven plugin for ANTLR 3
ANTLR Parser Generator
Maven plugin for ANTLR 4
Java based build tool like make - optional libraries
Apache Directory Server
command line tool to sign and verify Android APKs
aspect-oriented extension for Java - tools
BitTorrent client
BiglyBT system service
tool to create and diagnose OSGi bundles
Java scripting environment (BeanShell) Version 2 (source code)
Common CA certificates (JKS keystore)
packaging and deployment tool for Java applications
checks Java source against a coding standard
Checks Java libraries for compatibility with older releases
JavaScript optimizing compiler
Library that parses command line arguments
java tool that calculates the percentage of code accessed by tests
Coco/R Compiler Generator (Java Version)
CRON-o-Meter - Exercise and nutrient intake tracker
XML+CSS2 to XSL-FO converter
LALR parser generator for Java(tm)
Dark Look and Feel for Java desktop applications
Standard Java or Java compatible Development Kit
Standard Java or Java compatible Development Kit (headless)
Standard Java or Java compatible Runtime
Standard Java or Java compatible Runtime (headless)
Apache Derby Tools
Command line tool to interact with an instance of Dokuwiki
Handling of HEALPix sky pixellization
Eclipse Compiler for Java (command line tool)
Helper tools for building Eclipse related packages
Fortran to Java compiler
Jar creation utility
Execution environment for OSGi Felix Framework
educational network simulator
Static java code analyzer to find bugs
speech synthesis system
Powerful build system for the JVM
Gradle plugin to use Java annotation processors
Bash and Zsh completion support for Gradle