Container module for classes in the MAGE package: MAGE
Extra modules for classes in the MAGE package: MAGE
BioPerl core perl modules
BioPerl wrappers: modules
Perl module to design PCR primers using primer3 and epcr
Simple low-dependency procedural interfaces to BioPerl
Perl interface to SamTools library for DNA sequencing
Perl extension for reading and writing SCF sequence files
perl parser for HMMER2 and HMMER3 output (hmmscan, hmmsearch, hmmpfam)
Object for remote execution of the NCBI Blast via HTTP
BioPerl variation-related functionality
object-oriented wrapper around vec()
Perl module for bit vectors and more
lists of internal perl keywords
Perl lint
Bloom filter implemented in Perl
module providing transparent support for booleans
Perl module providing bindings to the Boost Geometry library
simple IRC bot baseclass
extended simple IRC bot for pluggable modules
text training material for bots
Perl module for hierarchical tag/value structures
Perl module to determine Perl module dependencies
solderless way to wire up your application components
Perl module to open a browser in a given URL
CPAN's BSD::arc4random -- Perl bindings for arc4random
BSD process resource limit and priority functions
BSON serialization and deserialization for Perl
Perl XS implementation of MongoDB's BSON serialization
module to compute package dependencies (for Open Build Service backend)
module providing builtin functions for older perl versions
modules for dealing with Brazilian identification codes (CPF, CNPJ, ...)
Perl module to validate or generate credit card checksums and names
module to parse Edifact messages for book ordering
class for generating U.N. EDI interchange objects
Perl module to calculate business hours in a time period
data pack for Business::ISBN
Perl library to work with International Standard Book Numbers
module to validate International Securities Identification Numbers
module for International Standard Music Numbers
Perl extension for International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSN)
AuthorizeNet backend for Business::OnlinePayment
backend for IPPay in Business::OnlinePayment framework
ECHO backend module for Business::OnlinePayment
PaymentOne PayConnect backend for Business::OnlinePayment
PayPal Payflow Pro backend for Business::OnlinePayment
Chase Paymentech backend for Business::OnlinePayment
Perl extension for online payment processing
TrustCommerce backend for Business::OnlinePayment
Transaction Central backend module for Business::OnlinePayment