Vector with fixed capacity, backed by an array - Rust source code
Simple canvas for drawing lines and styled text and emitting to the terminal - Rust source code
ASCII-only equivalents to `char`, `str` and `String` - Rust source code
ASCII-only equivalents to `char`, `str` and `String` - feature "serde"
ASCII-only equivalents to `char`, `str` and `String` - feature "serde_test"
Print ASCII tables to the terminal - Rust source code
XDG portals wrapper in Rust using zbus - Rust source code
Procedural macro package for Askama - Rust source code
Type-safe, compiled Jinja-like templates for Rust - Rust source code
Optimized HTML escaping code, extracted from Askama - Rust source code
#[derive] support for asn1 - Rust source code
ASN.1 (DER) parser and writer for Rust - Rust source code
Derive macros for the `asn1-rs` crate - Rust source code
Implementation details for the `asn1-rs` crate - Rust source code
Trait to facilitate interoperatibility with libxcb C API - Rust source code
Traits for converting types which may be interpreted as or into a result - Rust source code
Assert approximately equal - Rust source code
Test CLI Applications - Rust source code
Package provides assertions for testing - Rust source code
Filesystem fixtures and assertions for testing - feature "color" and 1 more
Filesystem fixtures and assertions for testing - Rust source code
Macro for static assert types implement a trait or not - Rust source code
easily compare two JSON values and get great output - Rust source code
Version of the assert_matches! macro that brings variables from the pattern into scope - Rust source code
Asserts that a value matches a pattern - Rust source code
Simple macro to allow mutating instance with declarative flavor - Rust source code
`AsSlice` and `AsMutSlice` traits - Rust source code
Generic N-way associative cache with fixed-size capacity and random or least recently used (LRU) replacement - Rust source code
Collection of various utilities for Debian work - Rust source code
experimental language-level polyfills for Async Rust - Rust source code
Async broadcast channels - Rust source code
async multi-producer multi-consumer channel - Rust source code
Compatibility adapter between tokio and futures - Rust source code
Adaptor between compression crates and Rust's async types - Rust source code
Duplicate an async I/O handle - Rust source code
async executors - Rust source code
lightweight implementation of async-stream without macros - Rust source code
async filesystem primitives - Rust source code
Write code that can be both async and synchronous without duplicating it - Rust source code
Global executor built on top of async-executor and async-io - Rust source code
Asynchronous HTTP 1.1 parser - Rust source code
Utilities for encoding and decoding frames using `async/await` - Rust source code
Async I/O and timers - Rust source code
async synchronization primitives - Rust source code
Async mutex - Rust source code
Native TLS using futures - Rust source code
async networking primitives - Rust source code
Fast, small, full-featured, async-aware oneshot channel - Rust source code
async interface for working with processes - Rust source code
Recursion for async functions - Rust source code