Quality Assessment Tools for Oxford Nanopore MinION data
GNU R low-level containers for storing sets of integer ranges
Identify, Annotate and Visualize Alternative Splicing and
GNU R client-side REST access to KEGG
linear models for microarray data
Symphony integer linear programming solver in GNU R
BioConductor CDF Environment Maker
S4 Generic Summary Statistic Functions that Operate on Matrix-Like Objects
BioCOnductor BigWig and BAM related utilities
Integrative network analysis of omics data
GNU R statistical analysis for sparse high-throughput sequencing
GNU R meta-analyses on P-Values of differential analyses
Multi-Omics Factor Analysis (MOFA)
clustering, differential expression, and trajectory analysis for RNA-Seq
Software for integrating multi-omics experiments in BioConductor
Bioconductor resampling-based multiple hypothesis testing
GNU R comprehensive genome-wide analysis of mutational processes
processing and QA for NanoString mRNA expression data
Network Seriation And Modularization
Exploratory analysis and differential expression for RNA-seq data
Preprocessing tools for oligonucleotide arrays
Classes for high-throughput arrays supported by oligo and crlmm
smooth interfacing of different database packages
genome-wide annotation for Human
BioConductor collection of PCA methods
GNU R handling and analysis of high-throughput microbiome census data
BioConductor collection of pre-processing functions
activity inference from gene expression
S4 generic functions for Bioconductor proteomics infrastructure
copy number calling and SNV classification using targeted short read sequencing
PWM enrichment analysis
Comprehensive QTL annotation of GWAS results
qusage: Quantitative Set Analysis for Gene Expression
GNU R package for Q-value estimation for FDR control
R interface to the graph algorithms contained in the BOOST library
molecular informatics toolkit for compound-protein interaction
Creating a DelayedMatrix of Regression Residuals
GNU R gene set enrichment / projection displays
BioConductor HDF5 interface to R
GNU R HDF5 compression filters
GNU R hdf5 library
HTSlib high-throughput sequencing library as GNU R package
GNU R Teproducibility-Optimized Test Statistic
GNU R binary alignment (BAM), variant call (BCF), or tabix file import
Subread Sequence Alignment and Counting for R
GNU R interface to genome browsers and their annotation tracks
GNU R client library for the WikiPathways API
BioConductor S4 implementation of vectors and lists
GNU R parse and analyze Illumina SAV files
creating a DelayedMatrix of scaled and centered values using GNU R