implementation of java.util.logging.LogManager
Modular Classloading System
JBoss Threads
simplified low-level I/O layer for NIO
bzip2 compression/decompression library
Collection of AOP/AspectJ Java Aspects
Static Wrapper of SLF4
Java library to read files in the NASA Common Data Format
Java library for precise 2D charting visualizations
java based charts library
Java library for the CIFS/SMB networking protocol
Java Concurrency In Practice annotations library
Java Components for Mathematics
Java-based codings helper classes for Joni and JRuby
Java framework for parsing command line parameters
General Purpose library for Java
Java library providing Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) features
Java Concurrency Tools for the JVM
utility to construct Debian packages from Ant or Maven
Java library analyzing class level dependencies
tool to measure design quality of java class and source
Implementation of JSR 243: Java Data Objects 3.1
lightweight and fast library using XML
lightweight and fast XML DOM library (IntelliJ version)
Java Evolutionary Biology Library
Java library for automated Java GUI testing
XMP Compatible Java Library
Gradle plugin for creating fat/uber JARs with support for package relocation.
Library for transforming Java objects between XML and JSON
Trilead SSH2 implementation for Java (Jenkins variant)
Java Expression Parser
Java based library for HTML Parsing
Java implementation of the ZeroMQ messaging library
RESTful Web Services in Java (atom module)
RESTful Web Services in Java (client module)
RESTful Web Services in Java (core library)
RESTful Web Services in Java (fastinfoset module)
RESTful Web Services in Java (guice module)
RESTful Web Services in Java (json module)
RESTful Web Services in Java (server module)
RESTful Web Services in Java (servlet module)
annotations used for code inspection support and code documentation
Java interface to Amazon S3 and CloudFront services
collection of StAX parsers and writers for JSON
Java servlet engine and webserver -- extra libraries
Java servlet engine and webserver -- core libraries
Complete MathML rendering solution (java classes)
Complete MathML rendering solution (fop plugin)