Java API to read, write and modify Excel spreadsheets
Java Foreign Function Interface
Java Foreign Function Interface (JNI library)
Maven plugin to generate Lexer code in Java
Java format string compile-time checker
Chart library for Java
Chart library for Java (SWT support)
Java graphics library to generate content in SVG format
Java API for music programming
Java implementation of GIT version control (Ant interface)
Java implementation of GIT version control
Globus Java - Apache AXIS support
Globus Java - Grid Resource Allocation and Management (GRAM)
Globus Java - GridFTP
Globus Java - GSS-API implementation for SSL with proxies
Globus Java - IO
Globus Java - SSL support
Globus Java - MyProxy
Globus Java - parent pom file
Globus Java - SSL and proxy certificate support
Time-based real-time animations in Java
Swing Data Binding Framework
JGoodies Common
Framework to lay out and implement elegant Swing panels
library with Swing look&feel implementations
JFC/Swing graph component for Java
mathematical graph theory library for Java
Java Swing Diagramming Library
library for molecular dynamics trajectory analysis
Toolkit for Reliable Multicast Communication
Java library with various heap implementations
Heat map charting library for Java
Small embeddable Java library for syntax highlighting
Java Image Processing Filters
Framework for binding XML data to Java objects
Framework for binding XML data to Java objects (symlink)
jIconFont - Font Awesome
API to provide icons generated by any icon font
jIconFont - Swing support
extensible Swing component library for Java
In-memory file system implementing the java.nio.file APIs
RELAX NG validator - library
Java Game Controller API
Java Game Controller API (jni)
Java API for generating JVM bytecode
library to load, analyze, process and save pixel images
LAPACK numerical subroutines translated from their Fortran 77 source
Implementation of LaTeX math mode wrote in Java (fop plugin)
Implementation of LaTeX math mode wrote in Java