tiny validator for JSON schema v4
add datepicker picker to field or to any other element
wizard using a formatted tabbable structure
Nodejs utility converting TypedArray to buffer without copy
JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier - browser library
JavaScript's functional programming helper library
String manipulation extensions - browser library
Common JS Unicode Normalizer (client/browser)
JavaScript util module
programmed web graphics with JSON
Core library of the Vue JavaScript framework, browser build
official router for Vue.js
CustomElements polyfill from the webcomponentsjs project
shim to insulate apps from WebRTC quirks - browser library
WebSocket implementation for NodeJS, standalone API for browser
creates a common interface to use of the XML objects provided by IE and Mozilla
terminal front-end component for the browser - browser library
Yet another megamenu for Bootstrap 3 from Twitter
Javascript library for parsing Javascript code
Lightweight JavaScript interpreter
WHATWG spec-compliant implementations of window.atob and window.btoa
Get unique abbreviations for a set of strings - Node.js module
Abstract prototype matching the LevelDOWN API - Node.js module
higher-level content negotiation for Node.js
Safely obfuscate the string 'ActiveX' inside of JavaScript code
Node.js header-only C++ wrapper classes
Get current machine IP, MAC and DNS servers
Node.js library to parse e-mail addresses
Flow control for Node.js
Turn a function into an http.Agent instance
another JSON Schema Validator
Custom JSON-Schema keywords for Ajv validator
minimal AMD API implementation for use in optimized browser builds
Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) for Node.js
Nodejs module to remap sequential sourcemaps through transformations
Advanced ANSI formatting tool for Node.js
align-text with ANSI support for CLIs
add ANSI colors to your text and symbols in the terminal
Color and format tables for ansi output - Node.js module
ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminal
ANSI font styling utils
regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes
ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal with Node.js
prints output in different styles
convert text containing ANSI color escape codes into HTML
Matches strings against configurable strings
Resolve any installed ES6 compatible promise
Like Function.bind without setting "this"
Pattern replacer creating human-friendly replacements
light-weight argument validator