GNU R gene set enrichment / projection displays
BioConductor HDF5 interface to R
GNU R HDF5 compression filters
GNU R hdf5 library
HTSlib high-throughput sequencing library as GNU R package
GNU R Teproducibility-Optimized Test Statistic
GNU R binary alignment (BAM), variant call (BCF), or tabix file import
Subread Sequence Alignment and Counting for R
GNU R interface to genome browsers and their annotation tracks
GNU R client library for the WikiPathways API
foundation of array-like containers in Bioconductor
BioConductor S4 implementation of vectors and lists
scalable analysis of differential transcript usage for RNA-sequencing
GNU R parse and analyze Illumina SAV files
creating a DelayedMatrix of scaled and centered values using GNU R
Single-Cell Analysis Toolkit for Gene Expression Data in R
BioConductor methods for single-cell RNA-Seq data analysis
Collection of Public Single-Cell RNA-Seq Datasets
BioConductor single-cell RNA-Seq analysis utilities
GNU R sequence logos for DNA sequence alignments
GNU R classes and methods for high-throughput short-read sequencing data
S4 Classes for Single Cell Data
BioConductor reference-based single-cell RNA-Seq annotation
BioConductor SnpMatrix and XSnpMatrix classes and methods
efficient in-memory representation of multidimensional sparse arrays
BioConductor summary statistics for rows and columns of sparse matrices
S4 Class for Spatially Resolved -omics Data
Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting proteins database
Variant annotations for structural variants
BioConductor assay container
GNU R Surrogate Variable Analysis
GNU R/Bioconductor package for integrative analysis with GDC data
Data for the TCGAbiolinksGUI package
GNU R Transcription Factor Binding Site (TFBS) Analysis
Subclonal copy number and LOH prediction from whole genome sequencing
Tools for making TxDb objects from genomic annotations
Transcript Quantification Import with Automatic Metadata
transcript-level estimates for biological sequencing
GNU R various transcript abundance quantifiers
Low-level utilities to retrieve data from the UCSC Genome Browser
BioConductor annotation of genetic variants
GNU R wrench normalization for sparse count data
BioConductor representation and manpulation of external sequences
(Virtual) zlibbioc Bioconductor package
GNU R abind multi-dimensional array combination function
GNU R package for regression transformations
GNU R actuarial functions and heavy tailed distributions
GNU R analysis of ecological data
GNU R exploratory analysis of genetic and genomic data
GNU R lattice-based package for the representation of multivariate data