GNU R exploratory analyses for the phylogenetic comparative method
Adrian Dusa's Miscellaneous GNU R functions
Applied Econometrics with R
GNU R package for analyzing factorial experiments using ANOVA or mixed models
GNU R AIRR data representation reference library
Another Multidimensional Analysis Package
GNU R package supporting multiple imputation of missing data
GNU R: A MORE flexible neural network package
GNU R gallery of animations and utilities to create animations
Affinity Propagation Clustering
GNU R package for Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution
Another Plot PACKage: stem.leaf, bagplot, faces, spin3R and others
GNU R areal weighted interpolation
GNU R command line parser for optional and positional arguments
GNU R command-line argument parser
Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models
arsenal of GNU R functions for large-scale statistical summaries
safe password entry for GNU R, Git, and SSH
GNU R lightweight core of the 'assertive' package
GNU R easy pre and post assertions
working with Audio and Video in GNU R
GNU R convert dates to arbitrary week definitions
reimplementation of functions introduced since R-3.0.0
GNU R package that provides tools for base64 encoding
GNU R fast and URL-safe Base64 encoder and decoder
GNU R batch computing
GNU R tools for computation on batch systems
GNU R Bayes factors for t-tests, ANOVAs and contingency tables
GNU R Bayesian inference for factor modeling
GNU R package for Bayesian inference
GNU R plotting for bayesian models
GNU R Miscellaneous helper functions for B. Bischl
GNU R tools for general maximum likelihood estimation
GNU R bayesian structure learning in graphical models
GNU R routines for block diagonal symmetric matrices
bee swarm plot, an alternative to stripchart
High Precision Timing of R Expressions
GNU R crowd sourced system benchmarks
GNU R data set for the 'benchmarkme' package
(Virtual) GNU R package to provide BH
GNU R Biased Urn model distributions
GNU R Bibtex Parser
Shared resource interface for Bigmemory Project packages
Parametrized Active Bindings for GNU R
GNU R 'Rcpp' Interface to Active Bindings
GNU R package for biological structure analysis
access the Bioconductor project package repository
GNU R class for vectors of 1-bit booleans
GNU R S3 Class for Vectors of 64bit Integers
GNU R package implementing bitwise operations