GNU R fast and versatile argument checks
GNU R check user-supplied function arguments
GNU R package for chronologically ordered objects
Circular Visualization
GNU R Circular Statistics
GNU R package for classification
GNU R Choose Univariate Class Intervals
GNU R helpers for developing command line interfaces
create rich command line applications in GNU R
Read and Write from the System Clipboard
Unicode Symbols at the R Prompt
GNU R date-time types and tools
GNU R cluster-robust (Sandwich) variance estimators with small-sample
GNU R cluster ensembles
GNU R package for cluster analysis by Rousseeuw et al
GNU R random cluster generation (with specified degree of separation)
GNI R framework for building interfaces to shell commands
GNU R subdistribution analysis of competing risks
GNU R Statistical Methods for Composite Material Data
GNU R analysis of coarsely observed data
Output analysis and diagnostics for MCMC simulations in R
GNU R package providing code analysis tools
GNU R package providing conditional inference procedures
GNU R advanced and fast data transformation
GNU R Color Space Manipulation
GNU R colour picker tool for selecting colours in plots
GNU R package with utilities for combinatorics
high performance CommonMark and Github markdown rendering in R
control how many times conditions are thrown for GNU R
GNU R alternative conflict resolution strategy
GNU R package for convolution-type smoothed quantile regression
GNU R package providing various utilities for evaluating continued fractions
GNU R for Estimation of Covariance and Correlation -- corpcor
Visualization of a Correlation Matrix
cases of COVID-19 in the United States prepared for GNU R
test coverage for GNU R packages
GNU R streamlined plot theme and plot annotations for 'ggplot2'
C++11 interface for GNU R's C interface
GNU R colored terminal output
GNU R tools for managing SSH and Git credentials
GNU R inter-widget interactivity for HTML widgets
simple HTTP Client for GNU R
GNU R estimating the parameters of a continuous-time Markov chain from
GNU R package for adaptive multivariate integration
GNU R data cube 'dplyr' backend
GNU R modern and flexible web client for R
GNU R determine and evaluate optimal cutpoints in binary
GNU R package to Computed Expected Shortfall and Value at Risk
GNU R fast cross-validation via sequential testing
Cyclomatic Complexity of R Code