Qt 6 3D GL Transmission Format Scene IO plugin
Qt 6 3D Scene 2D plugin
Qt 6 GTK+ 3 platform theme
Qt 6 PDF image format plugin
Qt 6 Image Formats plugins
Qt 6 Location plugins
Qt 6 qmllint plugins
Qt 6 qmltooling plugins
Qt 6 qmltooling Quick3D profiler plugin
Qt 6 QPA plugins
Qt 6 Quick 3D Assimp Import plugin
Qt 6 shader baker
Qt 6 Speech library - development files
Qt 6 Speech library - Flite plugin
Qt 6 Speech library - speechd plugin
Qt 6 Virtual Keyboard
Qt 6 Wayland platform plugin
Qt 6 WebView plugins
Qt 6 XDG Desktop Portal platform theme
Terminal emulator widget for Qt 5 (data files)
GStreamer plugins from QtGStreamer - Qt 5 build
online account access for Qt apps - Examples
Qt PDF - examples
Qt 5 Qt Quick Templates 2 examples
Speech library for Qt - Examples
Speech library for Qt - Flite plugin
Speech library for Qt - speechd plugin
Qt virtual keyboard examples
Qt virtual keyboard
QtWayland platform plugin
Web communication library for Qt - Examples
Qt WebEngine - Examples
display web content in a QML application - Examples
User tools for libqtxdg
find rational points on hyperelliptic curves
AMD specific device-side language runtime libraries
ROCm implementation of OpenCL API - ICD runtime
plugins for compressed_depth_image_transport (Robot OS)
plugins for compressed_image_transport (Robot OS)
Robot OS robot_state_publisher
plugins for theora_image_transport (Robot OS)
RPC protocol compiler and definitions
Software defined radio receiver for Realtek RTL2832U (tools)
Samba Directory Services Database
Samba core libraries
Shared storage lock manager
Theoretical models for small angle scattering (compiled models)
Sub Band CODEC library - tools
shell interactive library
Federated web single sign-on system (common files)