Emacs mode for statistical programming and data analysis
GNU R scripting and command-line front-end -- transition package
GNU R statistical computation and graphics system
GNU R core of statistical computation and graphics system
GNU R installation of auxiliary GNU R packages
Affymetrix File Parsing SDK
BioConductor methods for Affymetrix Oligonucleotide Arrays
BioConductor tools for parsing Affymetrix data files
Schemas for the Alabaster Framework
Bioconductor data package used by several bioc tools
BioConductor alternative CDF environments
BioConductor annotation for microarrays
GNU R Annotation Database Interface for BioConductor
GNU R client to access AnnotationHub resources
BioConductor methods normalization and visualization of microarray data
freezing Python dependencies inside Bioconductor packages
Bioconductor basilisk installation utilities
I/O for several formats storing matrix data
base functions for Bioconductor
General utility functions for developing Bioconductor packages
Bioconductor-specific package checks
GNU R management of files across sessions
generic functions for Bioconductor
standard input and output for Bioconductor packages
Nearest Neighbor Detection for Bioconductor Packages
BioConductor facilities for parallel evaluation
Singular Value Decomposition for Bioconductor Packages
standard styles for vignettes and other Bioconductor documents
set the appropriate version of Bioconductor packages
Categorized views of R package repositories
GNU R Interface to BioMart databases (Ensembl, COSMIC, Wormbase and Gramene)
GNU R string objects representing biological sequences
GNU R bladder gene expression data illustrating batch effects
Clustering Algorithms for Bioconductor
Cheminformatics Toolkit for R
make complex heatmaps using GNU R
GNU R determining cluster count and membership
Cluster and Tree Conversion
identify contaminants in marker-gene and metagenomics sequencing sata
infer biological activities from omics data
BioConductor delayed operations on array-like objects
Functions on Rows and Columns of 'DelayedMatrix' Objects
density-preserving data visualization via non-linear dimensionality reduction
GNU R differential gene expression analysis
Bioconductor managing expiration for cache directories
Dirichlet-Multinomial Mixture Model Machine Learning for Microbiome Data
R package: DNA copy number data analysis
BioConductor assessment of duplication rates in RNA-Seq datasets
R package for RNA-Seq Differential Expression Analysis
Empirical analysis of digital gene expression data in R